bend and snap:没想到这么好看...... 法律是没有激情的理性将激情诉诸生命饱满绚丽的粉红是你的生命之盐~相当女权/lgbt友好的的小鸡片相对于拿女人们针锋相对当噱头本片选择去塑造一个芭比一样活力四射永不气馁的强大女性形象例证时尚绝不肤浅用传统女性特征来反偏见与刻板印象将粉色贯彻到底流畅的套路中同时能插入惊喜的反套路如此浅显易懂的方式下理想化的剧情也无可厚非瑕不掩瑜越来越爱Reese
The movie is a spiritual travel to time or space. it shows different people and their life. Argentine is a far and strange country. Their economic and society is so unfamiliar for us. however., they have vexation and confusion for money, life, education or love, which is almost same with us., especially when people face the sudden storms.