主妇黑帮犯罪片虽然看起来有点脱离现实但却很容易共情看得我一阵阵捏汗绝境之下确实可能走向犯罪但我觉得beth在其中找到了真正的自己badass bitch不是什么sweet housewife这也是为什么她好像总是主动投入新的犯罪btw i love her! 虽然黑帮犯罪的内容bug不少但对家庭和两性的刻画非常真实好姐妹高清在线韩国电影观看这些男的才是真正的满口谎言、善妒、毫无同情心、毫无责任心女人即使做坏人也way better(不过还是希望她们少点同情心做坏人不需要这个)
“we are things that labor under the illusion of having a self,this accretion of sensory experience and feeling,programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody,when,in fact,everybody is nobody…I think the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming,stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction,one last midnight…”